Full Mouth Rehabilitation—All You Need to Know

Dental problems can be very frustrating, especially when you feel like you can’t get rid of them. If every treatment you have received lately failed, it may be a sign that your mouth requires a profound, complete restoration, like full mouth rehabilitation with All-on-4® dental implants in Columbus, Ohio.

Many patients don’t know that certain underlying dental conditions can make the most common procedures useless. In these cases, full-mouth rehabilitation is necessary to restore appearances and to ensure optimal oral health. To help you understand that better, here’s a complete guide on mouth rehabilitation and what the process entails.  

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What’s Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Full mouth reconstruction, sometimes referred to as full mouth rehabilitation, is a comprehensive series of dental operations designed to replace or rebuild most or all of a patient's teeth.

The goal is to improve the appearance, health, and functionality of their entire mouth, all with one thoughtfully designed plan. To do so, dental professionals combine restorative, cosmetic, and neuromuscular procedures, like teeth whitening, orthodontic treatments, or even All-in-4 dental implants.

Who Needs Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Full-mouth rehabilitation is an intricate but comprehensive treatment option. Because of that, it's typically recommended for individuals with severe dental issues, such as:  

  • Severe tooth decay
  • Numerous missing teeth
  • Malocclusion or biting issues
  • TMJ disorder or persistent jaw pain
  • Advanced periodontal disease
  • Missing numerous teeth because of an accident or injury
  • Severe tooth erosion from acid reflux or grinding
  • Birth defects that result in underdeveloped teeth

Beyond appearance, these issues affect a person’s bite and ability to use their teeth, impacting their quality of life. Full mouth reconstruction proves to be an integral plan that aims to tackle all these areas.  

Why Is a Full Mouth Treatment Necessary?

Our body is a system. Every part and biological process is linked, so a failure in one aspect will lead to failure in everything surrounding it. The mouth is no exception.

In many cases, one dental issue causes another instability in a patient’s bite, to the point where the only available solution is a cohesive treatment that addresses every single problem.  

Full-mouth treatments do exactly that. They analyze the patient’s mouth as a whole, identifying all the issues that keep it from reaching functional harmony and detailing a scheduled plan to fix them.

What’s the Process Like?

No two full-mouth restorations are the same: A patient’s condition, age, needs, and overall health all affect the specific treatments they receive and how long it takes to recover.  

However, here’s an overview of what the process looks like:

1. First Consultation

In an appointment, one of our prosthodontists will determine whether you’re a candidate for full mouth reconstruction. To do so, they’ll discuss your treatment goals and concerns and conduct a thorough examination of your mouth.  

Depending on the overall state of your oral health, you may need to undergo other procedures first, like orthodontics. Your dental professional will also ask for your dental and medical history and any medications or habits that could affect the treatment process, like smoking.

2. X-Rays and 3D Modeling

Once it has been determined that you're a good candidate for a full mouth restoration, a dentist will take a record of your teeth. To do so, they may need:

  • Radiology images
  • Photographs showing your gums and teeth
  • Dental impressions to get an exact copy of your teeth

This will provide a complete image of your mouth prior to reconstruction and create a virtual 3D mockup of how it will look following treatment. You can give your input regarding the mockup to ensure the result matches your ideal smile.

3. Treatment Plan Customization

Once we have an idea of what you want to achieve, your dental professional will make a detailed treatment plan for how to get there. It can include multiple kinds of procedures, such as:  

  • Root canal treatments if the tooth's root nerve is damaged
  • Fillings if a cavity was extracted
  • Crowns or bridges to replace missing teeth and restore proper oral function
  • All-on-4® dental implants to restore a full arch of teeth
  • Dental veneers to enhance the appearance of teeth
  • Orthodontic treatments to correct bite issues
  • Periodontal therapy to treat and maintain healthy gums
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ/TMD) treatments
  • A complete dental and gum cleaning

Every case is unique and tailored to the patient in question.  

4. Treatments

Full mouth restorations take place in multiple stages and throughout various appointments. Some treatments, such as implant placement, may require time to heal before moving on to the next procedure, so the entire rehabilitation can last several weeks or months.

Dentists consider this when developing the optimal sequence for each procedure, trying to reduce the steps as much as possible.

5. Recovery

Following treatment, there are certain things you can do to ensure a swift recovery:  

  • Steer clear of activities like contact sports or heavy lifting
  • Avoid eating anything hard
  • Maintain proper dental hygiene. To ensure a hygienic healing environment for your restorations, try using a mouthwash that is intended for medical use.  
  • Avoid drinking alcohol

You might need to wear a night guard for added protection. We’ll also schedule follow-up visits to evaluate your recovery and check on your restorations.

all on 4 dental implants in columbus ohio procedure

How Long Does Full Mouth Reconstruction Take?

The length of a full mouth reconstruction depends on the treatments required and the case's intricacy. The duration can vary from a few weeks to a few months, and the schedule will be decided upon during the first consultation and treatment planning stage.  

What’s the Difference Between Full Mouth Rehabilitation and A Smile Makeover?

While they both improve smile appearance, full mouth reconstruction and smile makeovers are different in scope and intent.  

A full mouth reconstruction is a more involved and comprehensive procedure that restores overall oral health, function, and aesthetics. It frequently addresses structural problems like gum disease, missing teeth, and bite issues.  

On the other hand, a smile makeover aims to improve the mouth’s appearance, targeting aspects like tooth color, shape, and alignment. It essentially comes down to cosmetics.  

How Much Does Full Mouth Reconstruction Cost?  

The extent of necessary treatments, the procedures selected, and the patient's oral health all affect the cost of a full mouth reconstruction. Some procedures, like dental implants, can cost much more than others, like root canal therapy.  Your dental specialist will provide a detailed cost estimate during your consultation.

Insurance coverage also depends on the procedures required. Certain procedures might be covered, but others might not be because they are deemed cosmetic or elective. It is best to contact your insurance company to find out these details.

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Get Full Dental Rehabilitation with All-on-4® Dental Implants in Columbus, Ohio  

Full dental rehabilitation is an extensive treatment that rebuilds a patient’s entire mouth. The goal is to achieve long-lasting results where the patient’s bite is corrected, the bases of each tooth are stable, and they are getting the desired aesthetic outcomes. Because of its large scope, many patients feel intimidated.

However, it can be the only solution to targeting all the remaining oral issues a patient has at once. With full mouth rehabilitation at Spectrum Dental & Prosthodontics, you can achieve better oral function, renewed confidence in your smile, and the freedom to enjoy all the foods you love but have shied away from for so long.

If you’re interested in learning more, give us a call!

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